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Stone Cold Poem.

He wears the chain around his neck
He has beard and mustache

He is a bold man
He has a snake eyes

He is fighting people every day
He does not give a shit about anybody

Cause he is Austin 3:16
And I want to be like him.
Stone Cold Bio
From :Victoria , Texas
Height:6 foot 2
Weight:252 Pounds

Favorite Quotes:"And That's the bottom line,'cause Stone Cold said so"
"Say chees Jackass"
"8 long F'n years"
"Austin 3:16 says..."
"The bottom line"
Finishing Move: Stone Cold Stunner.
Career Highlights: World Wrestling Federation Championchip(5); Intercontinental(2); Tag Team(3); 1996King Of The Ring ; 1997,1998,2001 Winner Of The Royal Rumble.

The Rock has been Suspended indefinitely
The Rock has been
suspended indefinitely
cause Vince McMahon said so.

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